this is
Hello, Hello~
Friday, April 29, 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Hey, everyone! Maria/SKID_11 here! Since there's another Maria here, I guess that's how I'm gonna be recognized in this place, but that doesn't truly matter much to me. As long as you're nice and polite (all you people wanting a review from me out there - if there are any of you, lol) to me, I'll treat you with the same curteousy. If you're not...dun dun DUN! That is all I'm going to say on that matter. ;) there anything really left to say, apart from my grading rubric? Hmm, doesn't seem like it. Okay, then ~ onto the grading rubric we go!

I'm a simple girl with simple tastes, so let's make this grading rubric a quick read and simple to understand, yeah? Alrighty then - ready? 'Cause here goes! =D

Maria/SKID_11's Grading Rubric (updated!)

Title: -/5

Basically, the title needs to be interesting, draw people's attention, perhaps be easily rememberable (if possible), and of course, tie in perfectly with your story.

If it doesn't, then you're not gonna be getting a good mark here, bucko.

Description/Foreword: -/10

The description/foreword needs to be, like the title, interesting, wordy, and original. It needs to make sense, go well with your story, and introduce your story extremely well. Prologues work for me, but I'm not too sure about character profiles (I feel they take away from a story, from the reader getting to know your character for themselves).

So, yeah: this is how this will be marked.

Originality/Plot/Creativity: -/20

This should be pretty straight-forward, I believe. You need to have a story that stands out from the rest, and really paves its own way in Asianfanfics, and is very interesting. The plot has to be catchy, quite complex (if possible), and you need to be consistent and always keep the plot moving for your story to have a good plot, in my opinion. The creativity and originality are basically the same for me; as long as it's something that I haven't seen yet. This is what you need for me to give you a good mark here.

Writing Style: -/15

Basically, here, I'll judge how your writing skills are. If you know when to make a new paragraph, if you change point of views to quickly or frequently in a sentence, your overall creativity when it comes to your story, that sort of thing.

Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary: -/10

Once more - pretty straight-forward. You need to remember to be concise with your spelling - at least show the signs of spell-check, for one.

Since grammar is a hard thing to grasp well, I might be a bit lenient, but don't expect me to let every little grammar mistake slide past. Just try your best, use Microsoft Word (if you use it to type your story) to your advantage or any other writing program you have, and even get a Beta if you really need one.

Another thing is vocabulary. What you need to remember is to not over-use various words or phrases, and make sure that it is concise and that you don't use a different word rather than the one you were actually supposed to use.

Characterization: -/25

Your character needs to be hard to peg down, but not in the sense that the character's feelings and actions are all over the place and confusing to understand: more like, they're so layered, so like how people truly are, that you can't peg them at first glance. You need to consistently be placed in their shoes; feel how they feel, see how they see, think how they think, and truly get to know them and follow them in their "journey," if that makes any sense.

Please. Absolutely no character charts. If your story has that, then you better not request from me, or else you might not get a very good mark here. Or do the right thing and take out your character charts before requesting from me, and never add them to another story of yours if you know what's best for you. Grr. lol

And that is how you'll get a good mark from me for this part of the grading rubric.

Flow/Detail: -/10

Detail is basically what you have to your story. Just how much time have you dedicated to your story to really get in certain plot twists or ideas? Things like that, that show how much thought you've put into making your story interesting and not dull. You really need to show me if you have researched certain characters or if you've researched something to really bring the truth into your story. That shows thought, it shows detail.

Flow is how much time you've taken from a certain chapter or chapters for a plot point or a sub plot, and how much time you've taken to really describe things like characters and emotions/feelings and settings, as well as how good your chapters flow into one another and how the story is when it comes to juggling the sub plots and the main plot. (Hope this makes sense! ><)

Bonus: -/5

This will be for any bonuses I may encounter in your story. Like, if you wrote/did something that I really liked or really enjoyed. If you get a complete zero here, don't worry, I won't add it in your overall mark, since this is basically like a bonus, to up your mark since I'm so nice. ;)

Overall mark:


And that's pretty much it. Please, request from me if you don't mind me reviewing your story, and continue to come to Lemonswirls if you ever need anything - graphic request or review request, or just for funsies~

Catch ya'll on the flip side! ^.^