this is
Introductions, Rambling, and Whatnot from a Chibi
Monday, August 15, 2011 @ 1:59 AM

Hello, everyone! 

I'll start by introducing myself: I'm MusicChibi, otherwise known as Jewell. I have a few nicknames, and you can give me a few for all I care (as long as they're not rude), but I hope we can become friends, or at least acquaintances.

All introductions aside, I take my job as a reviewer quite seriously. I will not baby you in my review; I'm going to give you my honest and blunt opinion because I don't believe in giving you half-truths or lies. I'm going to review you how I would want to be reviewed if I were being reviewed.

Everything, as we all know, is cliché. It's been done before, or thought of, because there are, and have been, over trillions of people in this world. If you have a drama or a love story, be warned: Chances are, I'll mark you down on the originality quite a bit if it's anything similar to any Korean drama or any soap opera/drama on your local television in America (e.g. General Hospital). 

Anyways, moving on from that! Now, it's time for my rubric! 

Jewell's Rubric

Title: -/5
Does your story sound interesting? Does it draw attention? Is it original? 

Poster/Background: -/10
Self-explanatory, but again, make sure the poster is not too gaudy or distracting (by that, I mean having too much going on for the poster). However, I am not always too opinionated about posters. As a side note, make sure your poster has the same feel as your title/story otherwise I will dock you points for that.

Description: -/5
Does this make a reader want to continue reading, or does it make them want to click the back button so they can read another story? Does it set up the mood of the story? Is it well written? Is the grammar on point?

Foreword: -/5
Is this formal? Is it what it needs to be? If it is not a legitimate forewords, then it'll be graded based on grammar, but you will lose one point for having an improper forewords. If you have a character chart, you will lose half a point. If you have a fill-in-the-blank for the main character's name, you will lose a half a point as well. These two apply to the description as well.

Creativity/Plot/Originality: -/10
Is it original? Does the story have its own unique personality? Is there something "new", that isn't often seen? Were there any twists that have readers on edge? 

Flow/Detail: -/10
This will portion will be graded on how much research (if needed) you put into your story to make it more realistic and the pace in which the story unravels. One-shots will be graded lightly in this section while full-blown series are a different story. 

Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: -/30
I'm a bit of a stickler on this part and I will grade harshly on it, however, I will give you helpful advice to improve. If you have repeated mistakes, I'll mention it and point several out to you. Not every single one of your mistakes will be pointed out, though. 

Characterization: -/15
Are your characters real? Do they have depth or layers? Is there anything that contradicts what you're trying to portray? Did you make your character come to life?

Format/Writing Style: -/10
Are you making paragraphs when needed? Are you spacing your dialogue out? Is your writing interesting? Is it too detailed or not detailed enough?

Overall: -/100

General Comments:
This is a place for my biased opinion when compared to the rest of the review. In this area, I'll be informal, to a degree.