this is
Hey there, Jonghyun's wife here.
Monday, August 15, 2011 @ 3:05 AM Hey! Let me fully introduce myself. I'm Vicky, 100% vietnamese, screename, vickycupcakey. I have a few nicknames such as vickaay, vickyster, victor[don't ask..LOL], and pabo. I hope you all enjoy my reviews, and I look forward to becoming friends with all of you! Enough for the introductions about myself, let's talk about the reviews. I don't usually take requests on AFF, but I felt this was a chance to work with others, so I thought might as well do it. I like helping others, so I decided to join. My job is a reviewer, and I may not be the best, but I review in my own style. I am willing to do ANY review requests with Kim Jonghyun (SHINee) in it. Obviously, he's my ultimate bias. I hope you all will enjoy my reviews, and I'm new, so please don't hate! If you'd like, please check out my latest two fics; Inseperable and Complicated. Moving on from all that chitchattering, rubric time! *Title: [/5] - Gives me an idea of what your story is going to be about. -captivating, interesting. -originality Poster/Background [/10] Is it too detailed? Is it lack of detail? Remember, it must fit with the story, for example, if you have some scary, sad, horror story, you shouldn't have the color yellow as your background, or a happy poster for your fiction. It must make sense. Does it catch the reader's attention? *Description: [/10] Does it draw attention? Remember, the description is an important part of the story. If you have a good description, the reader will want to keep reading your story. Is the description interesting and have enough detail? And also, keep in mind; you don't want to give away too much of your story, if you do, you're basically just telling everything that's going to happen in the story, so theres no point in reading it. Make it mysterious, yet interesting. Like, if there something thats a secret, but not yet mentioned in the description, the reader might want to read the story to find out what the 'secret' is. Teaser/Foreward: [/5] Now, keep this in mind, you don't want to give away too much of your story. Put interesting parts but not the most important parts. Keep in mind that you want your teaser to sound interesting, but you don't want to give away the MAIN DETAILS because there wouldn't be a reason to read the story anymore. Is it interesting? *Plot: [/30] Think about it, is your plot original? Has it ever been used? Were there details that you came up with at the back of your mind and is rarely used? The way the characters act, do they impact others? Also, is it creative? Don't be afraid to go beyond. But still make it realistic. Unless it's a story that is taken place in the clouds, we shouldn't be seeing flying unicorns invading the city. Keep in mind, if the plot has a meaning, then it is obviously creative. Does it make sense? etc. *Originality: [/10] Again, was it original and creative? You don't want readers to be reading the same thing over and over again, come on, people want some new creative ideas! Even if the storyline is some what used a bit, but you still have some scenes that are very original and creative, you will still be receiving marks. *Grammar: [/10] For me, I get really annoyed where there are grammar mistakes. Especially when you mix up your, and you're. Or too, and to. It throws me off reading it and kills the story. So I suggest you do a grammar check before updating, and proofreed. Also, you all are old enough to know when to use your periods and commas. Flow: [/5] Did you rush the story and finish it in like 10 chapters? Or did you take your time and plan it out thoroughly? Were some parts confusing? Was information just thrown into there and left jabbled up? The flow of the story is important, if the flow isn't going at a good paste, it will be hard for the reader to read your story. Neatness: [/5] Is your story easy to read? Is it organized, and looks neat? If the information is thrown everywhere, I think I'd be lost through the whole story. So make sure your story is easy to read and MAKES SENSE. *Writing Style: [/5] Do you separate the paragraphs at the right sections? Think of the books that you read, you see the that there are lots of paragraphs. Is your dialogue easy to read? Or is it, ex. [Jonghyun: ______ Key: _______] without any further detail? Do you describe how the characters are feeling putting the reader in the same position? Think about it. Ending: [/5] Is it effective? Does the ending make sense compared to the storyline? Is it realistic? Does is satisfy the reader? If it's a cliff hanger, I think there should be a sequel to it. Yeah, etc. *Overall Enjoyment: [/5] How much I enjoyed the story. Bonus: [/5] If some parts I found really interesting and enjoyed. [Note: The ones with the stars mean that I have to grade it no matter what. It's okay if your story hasn't come to an ending yet.] Overall: [/110] General Comments: Any tips and comments I would give for your story, how you would improve and such. Just so that you can become a better writer in the future. Compliments, yeah. My opinions and such. |
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