this is
Why Hello There
Sunday, August 14, 2011 @ 9:11 PM

Hi guys! I'm SourCandyyz!

I've just been recently hired to lemonswirls.Thank you so much Angela ! I am so excited to be working for this site. It's going to be so much fun working with every single one of you awesome people. If you want a more I suppose, detailed description of myself, it is on the main site.

Review wise, I am one that is very very nit-picky about spelling, grammar, and punctuation. I tend to sound really blunt at my reviews sometimes, but please don't take it to seriously. I just like being honest alright? I want to help you guys improve as authors.

SourCandyyz Review Rubric:

Title: --/5
-Does it catch my eye? Remember that before people read the summary, it is the title that catches a reader's eye. You have to make an interesting title to entice the author into reading your story
Poster: --/5
-In my opinion, a poster has to reflect the central mood, aura, or genre of the story. For example, if your story's main genre is angst and you have a poster that contrasts that will lead the reader to think otherwise.
Description and Foreword: --/10
-After the title and the poster, these two are what fully interest the reader. It's what makes the final blow and gives the feeling of curiosity in the reader. It's what makes them read on. Reminder though, don't give away too much of your story. You don't want the reader to figure out the entire plot from the description alone.
Plot/Story Flow: --/20
-The way your story flows is important. I want to see that you took the time to research and plan everything. If the story flow seems choppy and things are happening too fast, your mark will be low. In grading oneshots/twoshots, I will be more lenient.
Originality: --/10
-Every story will be cliche. Admit it, it's true. It's hard to make something that is completely original these days. But this takes into account your writing style as well. If your writing style is great then I won't mark you low on this. There is a limit as to how cliche you can be in a story. As an author, it is your job to make the story yours. Make it unique and stand out from the rest.
Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation: --/30
-The one that is worth the most when I review. Amongst my friends(and they get really pissed off at me for this), I'm the one that corrects them on their spelling, grammar and punctuation. This is important for your story. Your story has to make sense or else it will throw the reader off. I recommend that you don't use slang or chatspeak in your fanfics, makes it seem less professional. It will dock you marks.
Writing Style: --/20
-Imagery is important. You want your reader to actually feel like as if they are there(First Person POV) or as if they are witnessing the scene right before their eyes(Third Person POV). Also, your writing style should be unique. A little less dialogue and a bit more detail. It doesn't hurt to also have a wide range of vocabulary. If you happen to feel very unconfident of your writing style, I recommend once you finish a paragraph, read it in your head or out loud to make sure that it sounds okay.
Enjoyment/Bonus: --/10
-Did I enjoy reading it? 
Reviewer's Final Comments:
-My last words and overall impression of your story. Where I will point out what you may need to improve on or just get rid of completely. I might sound blunt here, but take it as constructive criticism.
Total: --/110
As you can see, SPG is worth a lot. It's worth more than Plot and Writing Style^^
Now, go request at Lemonswirls please?^^
SourCandyyz out!