this is
Yo I'm ll0vex3_her ~
Thursday, March 10, 2011 @ 1:06 AM My username's ll0vex3_her But you can always call me Young Ji ^^ Title: /10 -Does it catches the reader's attention? -Does it have a connection to the story? Foreword/Description: /10 -Is it clear and understandable? -Right to the point and grips the readers to continue reading?-Messy hard to understand or tidy and make sense? -Connected to the story? Plot: /25 -Interesting -Goes with the plot, meaning not jumping from scenes to scenes, that will be confusing -Original and unique or normal? Writing: /10 -is clear and easy to understand -has something to do with the plot. Spelling/grammar: /25 -correct spelling -correct terms and past tense/present tense -correct grammar and punctuations Flow - /10 -is it messy? -does it skip scenes? Overall Enjoyment - /10 How I like your story ^^ Total: /100 Reviewer's Note: This is how I grade ^^ Although at first, my rubic wasn't really...fair at all. So I decided to have a change here and there, and the marks are lower this time, lols. Anyway, hope you have a nice day ^^ |
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