this is
i am a ninja dude :)
Thursday, March 10, 2011 @ 11:02 AM I've dropped by and FINALLY posting my rubric! But first I shall introduce myself. Don't worry, this shall be quick. I'm Ranee, fourteen and my ultimate goal is to be a real ninja and to get my own pony someday! YEEY~ I love K-pop and been reviewing fan-fics for two/three years now? I dunno. Anyway, I can review any fan-fictions you netizens have to offer - may it be Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese, Filipino, American, Rated, Smut, Yaoi, Yuri, etc. ![]() I am married to Onew with chicken babies (in my dreams... OTL) ![]() Okay, time for my rubric. Mine is pretty simple, not complicated nor confusing. Title: /5 - how it fits the storyline. - format (grammar and punctuation). - creativity. - originality. Introduction: /10 - characters are introduced. - previews or hints about the story. - author's note (this shows me the author's attitude and thoughts about the story). - simple, organize and format. Appearance: /5 - poster and background. - font colors (if no poster is available, I base it with the font colors). - neat, doesn't burn my eyes off. Flow and Writing Style: /25 - speed and progess of the story. - narrator's tone (first/second/third point of view). - format, creativity and organize. Plot: /15 - the whole idea of the story. - consistent conflicts, story developments. - story's mood(s). - cliche factor and creativeness. Originality: /10 - how original your story is. - story twists/conflicts (if it's a romantic or dramatic story). Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling: /15 - punctuation, spelling and grammar. - I also understand if English is not your primary language. Characterization: /10 - character's development throughout the story. - how the characters were described. - simply, how the author presented the characters. Overall Enjoyment: /5 - throughout my epic experience of reviewing stories, I've never not enjoyed a story. Ever. Total: /100 Okay, I've seen the other reviewers have this so might as well go along with it. If you scored 92-100% : pure smartitudes and awesomeness run in your blood! 80-91% : oh-so good but there's always a room for improvement right? 59-79% : you're willing but you need more inspiration. less than 58% : relax a little, don't get too excited posting stories. I suggest you read a story that got a 92%+ in a review and compare the differences between your stories. be inspired. don't slack off. I shall continue working on the reviews now! TTYL. ![]() idk what the hangul meant, but oh well ~ |
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