this is
Winglin Reviews
Sunday, February 20, 2011 @ 10:57 AM

Okay so I'm starting to see some people requesting from Winglin and since Winglin is different from AFF, I decided to change around my critera (since i don't really know how to use it) for the Winglin people.

-no rankings-

Title: -/5
Forward: -/5
Graphic/background: -/15 (graphic: -/10, background -/5)
Character description (if have one): -/10
Author's note: -/5
Plot: -/35
Writing: -/35
Spelling/grammar: -/30
Chapter titles (if have any): -/10
Ending (if completed): -/20
Rated scenes (if have any): -/10
Format: -/10

Total: -/190

No major changes...yeah..LOL...XDXD

LOVE MARIA..<33333333333333333333