this is
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 @ 7:21 AM


I'm Silence113, the newest reviewer of Lemon Swirls!
How do you do? =)

First off, I'd liked to tell you about how I review stories.
I'm quite a blunt person, so my comments/critics might come out a little bit more hurtful than they intended to be.
But please don't take it personally, it's just the way I work.

Here's my review rubric.

Title: -/5
What I look for in titles is creativity. But on top of that is how well it fits your story.

Forewords: -/10
In forewords, I expect to read about characters and their personalities. If you can start of your story with a short teaser/preview, you just might earn more marks from me if it’s written well.

Poster: -/5
Just get a good poster with colours that matches the genre of the story. Relevant pictures too! If I love the poster, full marks from me.

Originality/Creativity: -/10
I’m quite aware that it’s hard to write a story without being slightly cliché so I’m not looking too much into originality. Instead, I’ll look at how well you present the story.

Flow: -/15
For this section, I’ll judge on the timeline and progress between characters of each chapter. If it’s not realistic at all, very low marks from me.

Plot: -/15
In this section, I’ll judge on how you present the story. Like the conflicts and events that happen, the development of the characters, and whether it was predictable or not.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling/Vocabulary: -/20
The name says it all. If you use Engrish, it’s an automatic 1/20 unless English isn’t your first language.
(!!) If English isn't your first language, please state so at the Anything Else section of the form. Otherwise, I'd just assume it's your first. (!!)

Characterizations: -/10
Here, you’d be judged on the way you present your characters. Like how they look and their personalities. If I can tell them apart from each other, you get higher marks.

Writing Style: -/10
Script form of writing is also an automatic 1/10. I’ll also judge on how you paragraph everything.

Overall Enjoyment: -/5
This will be used ONLY if you don’t have a poster. =)

Bonus: -/5
This will be used ONLY if I feel that your marks are too low.

Total: -/100
A word or two of advice will be given based on the marks you got.
80-100 :  Keep it up!
70-79   :  You're almost there!
50-59   :  You need to read a little more.
40-49   :  You need to read a LOT more.
0-39     :  Please get a beta reader for your story.

So if you like the way I grade, just request for me. =D
Continue supporting Lemonswirls, people!


ps: Tell your friends too!