this is
Saturday, August 13, 2011 @ 5:50 AM

Title: It's just another love story
Reviewer: ll0vex3_her

Title:  6/10
Well, such a title doesn't really makes me want to click on it and read it because well...the first impression for me is that: since its just another love story, it must be typical and normal. Still, it seems to match with your whole story since the love story seems indeed, like just another love story.

Foreword/Description:  10/10
I like it. Its nice. I like the way how you written everything. I got hook on immediately and yes, I do wish to continue reading.

Plot:  20/25
Yeah. You already point it out at the title. Its just another love story. So technically, the plot was not original. But still, I like the way how you portray the characters and the way you let them meet up. Its much more...real.

Writing:  10/10
You're writing is beautiful! I really like the way you wrote the whole thing. Its not confusing or boring at all. Instead, it got me wanting to continue reading. Good job!

But there a need for the fact that you used so many spacing like in chapter 6? I mean I know you're trying to increase the effects, but still. There are some other ways right?
But then, its not exactly a bother..lols. I being weird.

Spelling/grammar:  25/25
Amazing! There's no mistakes here and there! Amazing!

Flow - 8/10
The flow is nice. Definitely, its beautiful and I wasn't confuse on parts and it doesn't bother me about the fact that its too fast or too slow.

Overall Enjoyment - 10/10
Although I'm not the biggest fan of Jaejoong - he seems to perfect to even be human, I believe I'm scared of his perfection, lols - this is indeed another nice story that makes me want to continue reading, unlike other stories ^^

Total:  89/100