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Review: It Has to be You
Thursday, April 14, 2011 @ 6:23 AM

Title: It Has to be You
Author: XxSUJUxX and Xx_pumpkinprince_xXStory URL:
Reviewer: ll0vex3_her

Title:  2/5
Hm, I still doesn't really understand the meaning of the title though. I read the full story and well, revolving around all of the characters, where's the "I need you it has to be you and no one else" feel? That's what the title is suppose to mean isn't it? All I felt was that Jaejoong remember Yumi as Hanji, and Yumi can't remember Jaejoong, not at all. So where's that "no one else but you" feel?

Poster(If there is one): 9/15
I really really love that poster! The blue theme was really matching to the story. Although the charaters are indeed are little blurly..haha! Its nice and I can really feel the theme from graphic poster itself. Although I don't really understand what's with the star glittery things around the poster, and the red heart..? Ok, it's weird but somehow, it looks very matching to me!

Description: 7/10
I love that short description of your's. Especially the suspension you gave me. You definately (sorry, I think I spelt wrong...) made me wishing for more! Its really nice and as its short, it really saves my time as sometimes, I really go bored reading such long description. Its what made me not want to read a story I really want to read in the first place. So good job there and keep it up okay!

Forward: 6/10 
That short forward was basically enough for me to know what I'm suppose to know. Good thing you didn't make it any longer or anything. Really, because it created even more suspension and I was already clicking onto the next button already, hhaha! I like it short and sweet, which you did it. ^__^

Character descriptions (only if have one): /10
None, don't worry, I won't count the marks in.

Plot:  20/45
Well, I like that plot. Although at some times, it's not actually very original, but I really love the unique plot you have there. Seems to me, like a few mixtures of different plots added together which created a really very special plot you have, and that catch my attention. Haha, so Jaejoong ain't any idiotic guy everyone thought he was! Yumi should remember Jaejoong earlier! You really make me want to keep on reading, the anxiety of whether when will they remember each other keeps on bugging me. Keke, I love such romantic stories ^__^

Writing:  14/40 
After so many good points, this may be your biggest docking point. Your writing skill is not bad, really. Its just that..I can't find any emotion inside your story. When writing, you should be showing me the image, not just telling me through simple words. I really can't feel any emotions or feel to it. Which greatly disappoint me since I was so expecting your story to be so awesome. Hm, I really can't feel anything apart from the fact that I know what is happening. At least I'm not confused as to what's happening.

Spelling/grammar:  16/25
You're spelling is ok and grammer is all ok. I have something to say though, when you finish a dialoge and is continueing a sentence, for example:
  • “I’m listening.” Long, slender fingers moved swiftly
Correction: “I'm listening. long, slender fingers moved swiftly
As even after a dialoge, the whole sentence is counted as one sentence, you word after the dialoge should not be in capital letter, thanks alot. Please do change and avoid doing the same mistake the next time ^__^

Chapter titles (only if have titles): 4/10Your chapter title's ain't any special or anything. Or to say, it's somehow obvious and boring. Although sometimes I don't know why its titled as that title. However, anyway, its overall ok.

Ending (only if completed): /20None, don't worry, I won't count the marks in.
Rated scenes (only if rated): /10
None, don't worry, I won't count the marks in. 

Total: 78/160
Criteria: B-
Reviewer's Note:
Well I'm so sorry if I didn't keep up to your expectation! And really sorry for taking so long T__T. Sorry! I almost can't finish your review today. *Bows* Really sorry. I have double tests tomorrow so really really sorry! And I know I promised this review to be done yesterday...but my mid year is like barely 3 weeks later..super sorry! I had to revise and super super mianhae!!