this is
hello everyone. :)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011 @ 3:46 AM Hello everyone! I'm your newest reviewer at lemonswirls! :) ilubshinee, you could also call me Jessica if you want to. :P So, I totally thank Angela our web mistress accepting my application. I've been reading fanfic since last year and started reviewing my friend's work first before making a review request shop. ^_^ .. I admit that I, also commit mistakes in writing my own fanfic to the point that I needed to ask for a review on my own fanfic. If I happen to offend you with my review, I am deeply sorry. I'm just doing my job s a reviewer. So in reviewing your fanfics I will base it on my rubics . :) Expect honest and blunt reviews from me. But don't worry I'm not too harsh, unless I needed to. >:) -ilubshinee. Title:- /5- Title is your 'entrance' to gain readers and subscribers. I used to see so common titles; it's so common that even some of the readers won't click it because it seems like they already know what the story is going to be. So, make sure that it's catchy and unique. This will be based on what is the impact of your title's story to the readers. And most of all if the title is connects and fits to your story. ^_^ Poster/Background:- /5- Another gateway to gain readers and subscribers, I don't know why but, many readers nowadays were being captured every time author's have pretty or eye catching posters. Me too, most of the time was being captured by posters or backgrounds used. But don't worry; your poster is not based to your story! In choosing the characters picture to be put in the said poster, it's better if it's appropriate to the story's genre to the character's emotion. This will be based on the genre of the story that connects to your poster or background. :) I really love posters so if you have good posters then you will get high remarks from me. :) Description, Foreword and plot:- /20 - I always love to read Descriptions and Forewords in the fanfics. Because this is where will I know what your story is going to be? I wanted to read what the story is going to be. Examples are the character's personalities and the story's plot. I will also based it on how you explained your story and how do you talk to your readers. I already want to see plots on this section. This is also the part where you gain a lot of readers because this is where they will read if your story is good or not. Creativity/Uniqueness/Genre:- /15- Most of the stories nowadays have the same story lines and plots that is sticked to a reader's mind for how many weeks or days. So, it’s really good if you have your story's own uniqueness and creativity. This will show what kind of author you are. :). There are some stories that are inspired by movies, dramas or books were alright as long as not exactly the same. I wanted to see stories that really different and I never read before. BE CREATIVE! EXPLORE and WIDEN YOUR IMAGINATION!~ Flow and Chapters:- /10- Some authors are not much paying attention to this one. Why? Every chapter must be connected so that the readers could understand why the story is like that. Some stories have really good start, but when chapters came by, it's turning into a curve having bad chapters already. So, it's better to make it good and interesting so that readers won't be bored reading the whole story until the end. In this category this will be based on how your story is flowing when the chapters are being done. Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary:- /15 - This is very important for an author writing a fic. Some author's fall in this one, but don't worry. I, myself have bad grammars too. hahaha! But still again, this portion is really important for the readers for them to understand your story. I'll try to correct some of it if I know some. Characterisation:- /10- This is for the characters, of course. Like I said, I wanted to have the character's personalities written at the foreword. This is how would I imagine what the characters are. If they are well portrayed and their characteristics/attitudes were defined by how you explained them. Writing Style:- /15- Colour fonts, sometimes is not necessary for an author to use. Black is fine, but still, authors have different kinds of writing styles. There is some authors’ uses different colour for the characters dialogues. I mean, they don't need to do that. You will just make the reader's mind insane reading your fanfic LOL. Additionals: Excitement and Extras:- /5- This will be based on how fun to read your story is, how will I get hooked and have the tendency to read it again. And for your messages for your readers on how you talk to them in the whole story and this is also a bonus category. Reviewer's Comment and Reactions: Overall = /100 80-100 - Awesome! Daebak! ^^ A fic can be featured. Congratulations! 70-79 - Keep up the good work. 60-69 - Close enough. 50-49 - Keep making your fanfic good. 48 and below - Needs improvement. ^^ FIGHTING!~ Don't hesitate to request at lemonswirls!... :D Spread the word!~~ -ilubshinee/ Jessica ^_~ hoy,hoy!~ <3 |
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