this is
Hello thurr...^^
Tuesday, January 18, 2011 @ 7:58 PM

Hey there!!~ It's Maria here...^^
I'm not sure if i should be doing this but it might come in handy when i do your review...:D
I'll post up my criteria and before you request for a review i suggest you look over it and see what i am looking for.
The ranking is...

0-20%= Needs more work and maybe consider re-doing.
21-40%= Adequete but there is lots of room for improvement.
41-60%= It's pretty decent but needs more work.
61-80%= It's intersting and readable
81-100%= Excellent. Something i would read again.

Just to warn people i am honest when it comes to reviewing and sometimes i do not look at the author who wrote the story so i'm not very biased...:D
i reviewed my friend's stories and even though we're friends, i still gave her honest feedback...><
Don't hesitate to ask for a review okay..??...:D
I don't bite i squish people with love.
Okay so here is my criteria...>:P

Title:  /5
-Is attractive/gives attention
-Grips you into the story.
-got to do something about the story

Description:  /10
-clear and easy to understand.
-right to the point.
-has something to do with the story.
-grips you into the story

Forward:  /10
-clear and easy to understand
-grips you into the story.
-has something to do with the story.

Graphics/pictures:  /10
-mood has something to do with the story.
-character pictures relate to the character’s appearance/personality.

Character descriptions (only if have one):  /10
-is easy to understand
-the story reflects on the character
-the way they talk and actions is similar to their character
-has the right informations eg….name, age, DOB.

Author’s note:  /5
-is crisp and motivating.
-not biased and not really caring
-talks with the readers, not to the story.

Plot:  /35
-grips your attention.
-easy to understand
-has a meaning
-clean…not scattered everywhere.

Writing:  /35
-is clear and easy to understand
-has something to do with the plot.
-not too rushed or dragged
-makes sense

Spelling/grammar:  /30
-correct spelling
-correct terms and past tense/present tense
-correct grammar and punctuations
-not abusing the power of symbols
-interesting/different words

Chapter titles (only if have titles):  /10
-interesting…has something to do about the chapter

Ending (only if completed):  /20
-ended off cleanly
-ending makes sense
-not clichéd too much
-not boring

Rated scenes (only if rated):  /10
-easy to understand
-not scattered/clean
-makes sense
-grips you on.

Format:  /10
-easy to read

Total:  /200

So...that's my criteria...^^
I hope it's not too confusing...:D
P.S...I don't give alot of 100% because there is always some things that need improvement...:D
But if you do get 100%, probably means your an author...:D
Depending on your story, i will not mark the stuff you don't need and the totla might always change (that is why i use percentages)...:D

-Lurv Maria...<333333